
The Perfect Fit Difference 

Take the time to double-check – does your jacket fit you well? 


Whether it was mentioned by Mark Twain or Shakespeare we always knew ‘The Apparel makes the Man’. This phrase is more current than ever – for men and women. Every life experience is posted on social media and aims to share, communicate, impress and inform our followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn. At a time of increasingly important visual communication the type of clothes we choose, how they fit, ultimately the way we look is much more than a first impression. Today everybody is aware that our appearance can play an important part of being successful. Choice and fit of your clothes defines part of the message we send to the world around us and even to ourselves. 

The difference about how we feel about ourselves. Our level of confidence and the way we are perceived by others. Therefore, by having our clothes professionally altered we can turn an average suit, dress or designer garment into a bespoke piece of clothing. It can have an uplifting impact of ‘I feel good today!’ 

In order to check your wardrobe we would like to provide you with a list below. (pic ref ladies’ suit) Decisions can be personal and individual choices of how you wear your clothes. Besides it is good to know the rules before you decide to break them. Fashion designer Alexander McQueen suggested this approach when he created his very distinctive trademark. 


Check your fit: 

Put on your garment and stand in front of a body size mirror – wear the shoes, accessories like a belt and be clear about how you want to style your garment: Look at yourself. How are the shoulders of your jacket? Are they ok – too wide? How is the waist? Does it need taking in or letting out? How is the length of your sleeves? Do they need shortening? How is the overall length of your jacket in proportion to your body size? How is the neckline?  

Book your consultation appointment to get advice on how your garments can can be fitted perfectly, please ring 020 7498 4360 or email reception@designandalter.com

double check your fit

Fit of Ladies’ suit

Fitting Checklist  

Length of dress and jackets – check your proportions – Golden Rule on separates: 1/3 – 2/

Trouser length – check trouser break on top of your shoes – half break works well – jeans can be worn longer

Sleeve length on jackets with exceptions for ladies – your sleeve should end at the top of your wrist – 1cm of shirt to be seen

Shoulder widths of jacket or blazer should be sharp especially if formal – if you don’t fit a standard size it needs to be fitted for you personally

Waist line – emphasis on proportions to bring out the best of your body shape



More Fitting advice for gents, please follow link http://howclothesshouldfit.com/